Stop the Pattern of Bullies with Illustrated Children`s Book

Released on = November 6, 2006, 12:13 am

Press Release Author = Sylvan Dell Publishing

Industry = Education

Press Release Summary = A new illustrated children's storybook by Janet Heller, How
the Moon Regained Her Shape (Sylvan Dell Publishing, 2006), is a tool that allows
parents and educators to discuss bullying with children. Influenced by Native
American legends, Heller's tale about how the moon changes shape due to bullying
personifies the lunar cycle.

Press Release Body = Boost Your Children's Self-Confidence While They Learn about

(MICHIGAN) Having lunch money stolen by a bully was one of the most traumatizing
memories of childhood for many people. Nearly 30 percent of U.S. students will fall
victim to bullies or bully other children this year, according to the University of
New Hampshire. Bullying cannot only damage children physically, but can also cause
the victims to suffer extreme damage to their self-confidence.

A new illustrated children's storybook by Janet Heller, How the Moon Regained Her
Shape (Sylvan Dell Publishing, 2006), is a tool that allows parents and educators to
discuss bullying with children. Influenced by Native American legends, Heller's tale
about how the moon changes shape due to bullying personifies the lunar cycle.

The main character of the story, the moon, finds herself the target of the sun's
malicious insults. While once the proud moon danced and laughed, she is now
embarrassed and begins shrinking. A comet directs her to a Native American woman on
earth who can heal her pain. The woman hugs the moon and shows her how important she
is to the people and animals on earth. After regaining her confidence and full
shape, the moon always remembers how valuable she is to her friends on earth when
any bully insults her.

Included in the book is an educational supplement entitled "For Creative Minds."
Heller designed the guide to educate children on astronomy in a fun and interactive
manner. Sections of the supplement include Moon Observations, Fun Facts, Native
American Names for Full Moons, and How to Deal with Bullies. Interactive activities
include creating projects for understanding the moon phases and moon cookies.

Heller can discuss:
. Bullying, her own childhood experience with a bully, and preventing bullying
. How to build the self-esteem of children after bullies hurt them
. Using good books to combat bullying
. The importance of literature and creative language for children
. How the elements of astronomy in the book can teach children about science
. How children can write their own stories and poems about experiences in their lives

Janet Heller currently serves as assistant professor in the English and Women's
Studies Departments at Western Michigan University. Heller has a Ph.D. in English
Language and Literature from the University of Chicago. Many media outlets have
published Heller's works that include 2 books, 38 literary articles, 150 poems and
numerous reviews. She is a member of the Society of Children's Book Writers and
Illustrators and the National Writers Union. How the Moon Regained Her Shape was
picked as the Book Sense Selection for summer 2006.

Web Site = http://

Contact Details = For more information or to schedule an interview, please contact
Erika Sumner, PR by the Book,, (281) 895-7190.

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